Águia romana
Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.
A águia romana era um símbolo da Roma Antiga, sendo usada pelo exército romano como insígnia das legiões romanas. No tempo de Gaio Júlio César era feita de prata e ouro. A partir da reforma de Augusto passou a ser feita só de ouro. A águia era custódia da primeira coorte e só saía do acampamento romano em ocasiões raras, quando toda a legião se movimentava.
Para garantir a sua segurança havia um suboficial legionário, denominado aquilifer, que em ocasião de batalha deveria defender a insígnia a qualquer custo, mesmo o da própria vida, pois era sinal de grandes desgraças a sua perda, evento que terá ocorrido poucas vezes, uma delas na batalha da floresta de Teutoburgo em 9 d.C., quando três águias caíram nas mãos do inimigo.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
An aquilifer was a senior signifer bearing the eagle standard of a Roman legion. The name derives from the type of standard, aquila meaning "eagle", which was the universal type used since 104 BC. Before that time, the wolf, boar, bull and horse were also used. The eagle standard was the most important possession of the legion and its loss was a terrible disgrace.
The aquila emblem generally had up-raised wings surrounded by a laurel wreath. It was mounted on a narrow trapezoidal base and mounted on a pole that was held aloft.
The aquilifer's position was accordingly one of enormous prestige, and he was ranked immediately below the centurions and above the optiones, receiving twice the pay of an ordinary legionary. Unlike other standard bearers (such as signifers), the aquilifer probably did not wear an animal skin, instead going bareheaded (no contemporary depiction of an aquilifer shows him with a headdress or helmet). He is depicted as carrying a small circular shield called a parma that could be strapped on if his hands were already full.
Aquilifer, Ist century A.D.
Marca : Pegaso Models
Escala: 75mm
Escultor: Yury Serebriakov & Andrea Jula
Pintura: Acrilicos
Alvaro Lameiras
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